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Achievements of ITII

Dear colleagues and friends!

Last year, information was distributed in connection with the rating of higher education institutions. The information that TIHU was sitting in one of the lower seats was gone. "After the dissemination of information on the pages of the media, NCE" "Atameken "" sent a letter to the Republican Center for clarification." There was no answer. Then I went to the capital and visited to Atameken. In the information received from the leaders, we did not give this information to the ministry for distribution, we said that there are still many points that need to be supplemented, but the information was leaked, and I received an answer that it is not our fault. Now the national ranking of universities in Kazakhstan for the current year has been published. Among multidisciplinary educational institutions, we are on the 14th place. There are only 13 universities ahead of us. ITII / Tigu / being a young educational institution that has opened in recent years, we have enough qualitative achievements. In the period from 2015 to 2020, about 2.5 billion tenge was allocated for the material and technical development of the University. This is not a small amount of money. Modern ITII / Tigu / is an educational institution that can be equated with any domestic University. The tasks set by the Ministry of Education and science on the way to our development are very reasonable and realistic. Therefore, we are one of the educational institutions that have a special place in the training of high-quality personnel, which is necessary for our country. I can say this with great pride.

Rector of ITII E. Saurykov