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The UNICEN Project

On March 28, 2023, under the UNICEN project (the University Partnership program grant) a videoconference was held with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA). The meeting was attended by: Andrew Zimberoff (Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln), International Taraz Innovative Institute named after Sh.Murtaza, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Taraz Regional University named after M.H.Dulati, Zhetisu University. Andrew Zimbroff, a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, introduced himself and informed everyone with the purpose of the project. In addition, all four universities agreed to integrate one course (entrepreneurship in Agribusiness) into the educational process and implement this course in the fall semester. During this videoconference, Professor Andrew Zimberoff expressed a desire to visit each university to get acquainted with research centers in the field of agribusiness on the basis of the above mentioned universities.