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In honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department for Youth Policy of the Akimat of Zhambyl region organized the regional competition of the best projects among young people "ALEMDI OZGERT", which was attended by: the office of the Mayor of Taraz, Baizak district, Zhambyl district, Zhualyn district, Kordai district, Merken district, Moyynkum district, Sarysu district, T. Ryskulov district, Talas district, Shu district and Taraz Regional University named after M. H. Dulati and the International Innovation Institute of Taraz.

The competition was attended by a 2nd-year student of the ITII, Faculty of Law, specialty 6B0401 - "Jurisprudence" Zhaksylyk Shapagat on the topic "Problems of legal regulation and use of GMO-containing products in the Republic of Kazakhstan", led by the head of the Department "Civil and Criminal Law", PhD, Doctor of Criminology Gazaev Askhat Ibragimovich and senior lecturer of the Department "Civil and Criminal Law", Master of Law Eralieva Zhazira Duysenbekovna.

According to the results of the competition, a student of the International Taraz Innovation Institute, Zhaksylyk Shapagat, took the 2nd place in the category "Legal Issues". Congratulations on your victory, Shapagat!


The sector of image work and public relations.

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