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Taraz, Zheltoksan STR., 69b

Contact Phone Number

+7 (7262)50-13-55 +7 (7262)54-11-24

Operating time

Monday-Friday: 09.00-18.00


Home / MEDIA / News / ITII is one of the best multidisciplinary universities!

ITII is one of the best multidisciplinary universities!

Recently, The Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education published a rating of the best multidisciplinary universities, as a result of which the International Innovation Institute Taraz took the 14th place.

The independent agency took into account the following priority indicators of ITII: the potential of teaching staff and researchers, educational programs,research and innovation activities, International Relations, Information support, achievements of graduates and their employment, etc.

The institute has a strong material and technical base. Modern educational buildings, a sports complex, small sports grounds and a student's House are the objects that adorn our city.

The institute has unique scientific and methodological centers:

Agrobiological Research Institute, Research Center" Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine", Research Center" Sherkhantanu", Center" Rukhani zhangyru", scientific and methodological Center" Legal Research and Mediation", Center for inclusive education and psychological support.

For students, the work of a co-working Center, a student beauty salon, a video studio, a movie hall, A "honesty store", a coffee shop, and a transformation office is organized.

In the near future, a library of the latest generation and a new educational building will be built, a kindergarten, a Lyceum "Intellect" and a college "Intellect" will be opened in Kordai.

ITII is a modern educational institution that can demonstrate its achievements in the field of education to the world!

# International Taraz Innovation Institute

#ITII # Taraz

For more information about what indicators are taken into account in the compiled list, please visit

And more detailed information about the educational institution can be found on our official website and on our pages in social networks