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The regional forum was held

On 2.06.2021, a forum on the protection of adolescents' rights and ensuring their safety was held in the conference hall of the International Taraz Innovation Institute with the participation of the akim of the Zhambyl region Berdibek Saparbayev.

The meeting was attended by the prosecutor of the region Nurgalym Abdirov, the head of the Police Department of the Zhambyl region Zhanat Kuanyshevich, akim of the city of Taraz Yerzhan Zhylkybayev, heads of the social sphere and akims of the districts in the mode of videoconference.

The participants discussed the issues of prevention of crimes among and against adolescents, ensuring their safety, individual work with dysfunctional families, difficult children.

In turn, the rector of the ITII, Yerbolat Saurykov, made a report, told about the work carried out at the Institute to protect the rights of students and ensure their safety, acquainted them with further plans and expressed his suggestions.

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